Episode 47 - Kathleen Donahue of Labyrinth Games & Puzzles

Kathleen Donahue didn't start as a gamer, but that didn't stop her from opening one of the most celebrated and beloved game stores in recent years, Labyrinth Games & Puzzles in Washington DC! We cover everything from FLGS etiquette to her secret origins brokering chemical cleaner deals with Mexico, not to mention what it's like to live, game, and retail on capital hill. Kathleen has led a fascinating life, and her impact on the gaming scene in DC, through her store, community outreach, and founding the thriving regional convention WashingCon, has been immeasurable.  

Helpful Links:
Labyrinth Games - http://www.labyrinthgameshop.com
TCbH Site - http://www.cardboardherald.com
TCbH Twitter - https://twitter.com/CardboardHerald
TCbH Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsBLZ33CJXoUffCBF7plpjg?view_as=subscriber

00:00:10 - Intro Monologue
00:03:55 - Interviews starts (shoutout to Paul in MD!)
00:05:46 - What is Labyrinth Games & Puzzles?
00:08:50 - Expanding the store to run M:TG Tournies
00:12:52 - Secret origins of an entrepreneur
00:17:00 - A Labyrinthian idea strikes!
00:22:25 - Entering gaming as a non-gamer
00:29:48 - Professionals in the tabletop industry
00:33:25 - First days of the store - What’s Magic:TG?
00:38:10 - WashingCon
00:43:35 - Legacy and burnout
00:48:25 - Using games to relate with others different than us
00:50:40 - Creating welcoming & inclusive environments
00:55:12 - What’s on the Horizon?
00:59:02 - Outro Monologue