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The Cardboard Herald
Weekly interviews with creative gamers and game creators, and kind of our flagship product. Usually 1 on 1 chats between Jack and a guest, reflecting on their inspirations, challenges, impact, and the creative process.
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TCbH Reviews
Audio versions of our game reviews followed by retrospectives by the author of the creative process, challenges in writing the review, and additional thoughts on the game(s).
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TCbH Hangouts
TCbH Contributors and friends of the site get together to talk about awesome creative projects, rad games, and whatever else happens to be on their minds!
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You’re stranded on an abandoned island with only you, five board games, four friends and one million dollars from a disheveled content creator. What five games do you bring?What games make gamers? Jack and Eric chat about what games are best to introduce people to the hobby and some common pitfalls games might have that would preclude them from this discussion.