Audience Feedback:
Questions? Comments? Complaints? We'd love to hear from you. TCbH is all about connecting with the community, so if you have ideas you'd like to share, comments on something we talked about, or anything else, let us know and we might read it on the air!

Interview Inquiry:
Got a cool gaming project you are working on? We love interviewing creative gamers and game creators of all types. Just let us know what your project is, if you have a specific schedule you are working on, and include some links so that we can learn more about you and your work. Please note, as much as I want to help you out, it's highly unlikely that I'd be able to get an interview up without being contacted at least 4 weeks ahead of your deadline.

TCbH does written, audio, and video reviews for released and soon-to-be-published games. We do not accept payment for reviews, and request that you respect our critical and creative freedom when creating the review. If you want a game reviewed for your kickstarter, we ask that it be a close approximation of the finished product, and that we receive a copy of the final retail version upon release.