Friday at the Herald - A rag tag group of vagabonds

I don’t think I’ve really codified it here, but I wanted everyone to know what’s up with TCbH these days. You may be seeing that we are putting out way more stuff than in the past, and hardly a week goes by without 2-3 more publications, between writing, podcast and video.

The reason? We’re a team. You may not realize, but the TCbH family has grown substantially, particularly in the last few months with more contributors both on the front lines and behind the scenes. Between Luke Muench, Chris Douglas, Andrew Birkett, Joshua Simons, and Rob Conley, we have a fantastic cast of core contributors, and we even have a wider array of guest contributors that round out the “flavor” of TCbH.

That said, I also wanted to talk about games. We’ve been thinking about doing a “games we are playing” section of the site. I don’t know how this would work, maybe it’d just go up here in the blog, but for my part, I’ve been playing a ton of Scythe: The Rise of Fenris and Istanbul: The Dice Game. On top of that, the two latest Terraforming Mars expansions and Fist of Dragonstones from Stronghold Games has been seeing some play. I’ll have more official thoughts on all of those going forward, but I more or less like all of them. Well, some (Prelude and Rise of Fenris) significantly more than others.

Anyway, stay cool, stay strong, stay real. Have a great weekend!



Oh, and album recommendation - Everyone go out and listen to Neil Young’s “Harvest” like 100 times.