Lots of Plaid Hat Games news going on here. First off, my interview with the wonder Isaac Vega posted today, go check it out in the interview section. Isaac co-designed the MONSTER (get it?) hit Dead of Winter, along with lots of other great games including Ashes and City of Remnants.
Also, I had the pleasure of talking with Mice & Mystics, Tail Feathers, and yet-unreleased Stuffed Fables designer Jerry Hawthorne. That talk will be on the interview feed in roughly a month.
Anyway, we got plenty coming down the pike (pipe? this is one of those idioms that no one is really sure on). Stay tuned!
And lastly, if you or your loved ones are in the Hurricane Harvey area - I hope you are safe, havefound refuge, and have a speedy return to stability in your life. And to those of you officially or unofficially doing first responder work, thank you for being there for your neighbors. People helping one another in the face of tragedy, regardless of color, race, economic status, creed... It's the kind of thing that restores your faith in humanity. So once again, thank you.