Games we're playing - week of Oct 24th, 2016

Welcome to the first edition of "Check this out!", let's get right to it. 

This week, I've been playing a lot of Mystic Vale. I should have a review for that up soon. I'm also hoping to sneak in a game of Fury of Dracula 3rd edition before Halloween. 

If you haven't seen it already, the new "No Time for Games" channel is incredible. Definitely go check them out and subscribe. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much on some board game content. 

Also, we've been trying to play as many spooky games in the Eddy house as possible this month. From Eldritch Horror and Betrayal at House on the Hill, to Guillotine and Mysterium, we've been trying to hit up anything that could be reasonably considered spooky, spoopy, or monster-y. Just as important as finding the right game is finding the right music. Check out the new Leonard Cohen album if you want something quirky and a bit extra dark for your next gaming session. 

Lastly, if you have any interest in video games, Dev Game Club is a fantastic podcast featuring two veteran video game designers who play classic games and discuss them. They cover a broad range of games, from Fallout to Super Metroid, and this week they started a new series on Resident Evil. 

That's it for now. If you have a recommendation of some spooky games to play or music to accompany it, let me know. 

Oh, and check out my review of Blood Rage which can be found here.